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Scientific publications

At Day One, we use the power of leading-edge science to improve patient outcomes.

We believe timely and transparent dissemination of data from our clinical trials and other studies is essential to inform clinical decision making and to advance scientific understanding. Our comprehensive list of publications is below.
June 2023
Healthcare resource use for pediatric low-grade glioma care: a cohort of linked electronic health records and claims data
Tabitha Cooney, Sandie Yu, Shailaja Daral, Michelle A Field, Blake Krebs, Mark Kieran, Peter Manley, Sandya Govinda Raju, Susan Zelt
2023 ASCO Annual Meeting: Abstract 10038
May 2023
Phase 1 study of the pan RAF inhibitor tovorafenib in patients with advanced solid tumors followed by dose expansion in patients with metastatic melanoma
Rasco DW, Medina T, Corrie P, Pavlick AC, Middleton MR, Lorigan P, Hebert C, Plummer R, Larkin J, Agarwala SS, Daud AI, Qiu J, Bozon V, Kneissl M, Barry E, Olszanski AJ. [published online ahead of print May 23, 2023]. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 2023;92:15-28.
May 2023
Chart audit in pediatric low-grade glioma: molecular testing and treatment patterns
David Lee, Jorge Caravia, Kevin Lam, Judith Kulich, Katie Blodget, Sandya Govinda Raju
2023 ASPHO Conference: Poster 261
May 2023
pLGG disease burden and healthcare utilization: linked claims and EHR data study
Tabitha Cooney, Sandie Yu, Shailaja Daral, Blake Krebs, Riddhi Markan, Michelle A Field, Mark Kieran, Sandya Govinda Raju, Susan Zelt
2023 ASPHO Conference: Poster 258
April 2023
Clinical activity of the type II pan-RAF inhibitor tovorafenib in BRAF-fusion melanoma
Jeeyun Lee, MD, Natraj R. Ammakkanavar, MD, Aprajita Saini, MS, Mark W. Kieran MD, PhD, Lisa M. Kopp, DO, MPH, Bert H. O’Neil, MD
19th EADO Congress 2023: Paper #174
November 2022
FIREFLY-1 (PNOC026): Phase 2 study of pan-RAF inhibitor tovorafenib in pediatric and young adult patients with RAF-altered recurrent or progressive low-grade glioma or advanced solid tumors
Kilburn L, Landi D, Leary S, Ziegler DS, Baxter P, Franson A, McCowage G, Waanders AJ, Van der Lugt J, Oren MY, Gerber NU, Gottardo NG, Khuong-Quang D-A, Nysom K, Bailey S, Hernáiz Driever S, Perreault S, Witt O, Hahn S, Hargrave D, Hassall T, Jabado N,Kang HJ, Larouche V, Toledano H, Kline C, Abdelbaki MS, Chi SN, Gardner SL, Whipple N, Mueller S, Blackman, SC, Zhao X, Da Costa D, Cox MC, Packer R, Hansford JR 2022 Society for Neuro-Oncology - Annual Meeting
2022 SNO Annual Meeting: Abstract CTNI-68